Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
It all comes to an end (at least for 6-8 months)
We topped of a great 10 days with an Italian dinner at the Azzurro. Dennis made sure we had the best seat in the house for the sunset. We started with some drinks, moved on to the caprese salad and antipasta, main course, dessert, then limoncello. After dinner, we sang with the Italian singer they have at the restaurant. We must have done at least 10 songs with him. We had the entire place clapping and singing with us. I played the tambourine while the Italian played the guitar. He offered me a job to play with him. I think I am that good (ha ha ha). * See Mammal, the tambourine you bought me for Christmas really paid off.
Here are some pictures from the night (PS. Ray was a quarter lit).

Snorkel This!
We all went snorkeling on our trip. We went to the WWII German wreck "Antilla" and to the Arashi Reef. The water was deeper at the Antilla (60-70 feet) vs the Reef (6-15 feet). I thought I would be a little nervous jumping ship at the Antilla being the water was choppy and deep. But I was fine. I got down the ladder, jumped into the water, swam about 5 feet away from the stairs. I remember thinking, "this is great". Then I put my head under the water and took a look around. This is when I freaked out! There were hundreds of fish swarming around me. I have only been snorkeling a few times. None of which did I see this many fish. At this point, I decided to get out of the water and head for the Rum Punch. I totally wimped out! But the scenery was awesome and I sat on the deck and talked to the captain (drinking my rum). I was also laughing at Marc (he could not keep water from coming into his mask). My mom on the other hand could not get enough of it, she swam about 300 feet out to sea! Go Mammal!!
Did I mention there were grouper (3 feet - 40lbs) swimming around. If I would have seen this, I would have walked on water.
The second stop (the Reef), was different. I jumped in again and decided NOT to put my head in the water until at least 10 feet away from the ship. It seemed that the fish flocked to the boat and its shade. The further away from the ship you got, the less fish there were. It was a success, I was snorkeling with the group.
Here are some pictures from the morning out at sea.

O Lizard, Where Art Thou?
Picture it - Aruba 2004
There was a lizard among us, a feisty lizard. A lizard that would greet Mark McL. every morning and want to fight him. One balashi filled morning, Mark McL. decided to take the lizard 'on'. They fought. We thought the lizard died that day. However, during the our recent trip to the island, we stumbled upon the same feisty lizard. He lives on!!!
* Note to Mark McL- We brought him back in our luggage for you!

Tradition @ Iguana Joes

I wish I was back on the island making funny faces ;-(
I am a Champion! Lucky 13-E.
Aruba was awesome this year! I will be posting some new pictures and stories about the vacation. I just need some time to collect myself. I left the island kicking and screaming this year, I don't want to go back to work on Tuesday. I will say this though, "I am a Champion".
Marc and I were on the inaugural flight from New York's JFK to Aruba, on September 15. During the last 45 minutes of the flight, the VP of Communications announced they were going to give away a couple round trip tickets for the occasion. They had a bag full of numbers (representing the rows) and a bag full of letters (representing the seat). The first pick was 11C (not Marc and I) For the last draw, they picked the letter "E". That was where yours truly was sitting. I said to Marc, "What are the chances they pick our row". We had a 1 in 26 chance of winning. They decided to have a little kid pick out the row. Drum roll please..... he picked 13!!! That was me--yeah!! I won a round trip ticket anywhere JetBlue flies!
I know when you are married you share everything. But this win was a tiny little "get back" at Marc. We have flown about 50 times together. Each time, Marc gets to fly in the window seat and I get stuck next to the fat man/woman that takes up half my seat. This is something I am going to keep and not share. Its a small price to pay for my sacrifice, sitting in the middle seat all these years.
As is a longstanding tradition in the airline industry, the inaugural flight was honored with a celebratory water cannon salute. This was our plane coming into Aruba.

There was a ceremony when the plane landed and all the passengers were greeted like Kings and Queens. We walked off the plane and were greeted by JetBlue workes waving and clapping. Who knew it would be such a big deal? All I knew was, we landed on the wonderful island of Aruba and I was the Champion of winning a Round Trip ticket.
Next question, where do we go with the free ticket? Back to Aruba? Maybe Seattle? Maybe LA?
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Salvatore Frank Fasano

Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Monday, September 11, 2006
You can do it.. Just a couple more days!

Get the Led out...

Andy: Who sings Stairway to Heaven? Is it the Scorpions?
Marc: No, Led Zeppelin sings that one (only one of the most famous rock songs in history).
Note: Picture was taken many moons ago.
Friday, September 08, 2006
Oh, The Fennec Foxes We Will Have

Note to Marc: Notice the fennec is playing with a bengal (asian leopard mix). We have a bengal already--I think she wants a fox playmate.
I am sure some of you feel sorry for Marc, having a wife that ultimately wants her own zoo. But I will say this, life is hardly boring in the Renkes-Lovelady house. Now, imagine our house in Leesburg VA with a fox.
I am done.
Saban, you throw like a girl!

Thursday, September 07, 2006
Possible celebrity look-alikes? You tell me...
We all know there are celebrity look-alikes in this world. Since I have known Marc, I've heard he resembles Matt Damon, Kevin Bacon (ha ha) and most recently Heath Ledger (suggested by Julia V.). That is a compliment for sure. So, I decided to post a few pics of the two. You can be the judge.
Then we have one of the best shots ever. I mean this is a doozie! I have managed to make Mark 'Mc'Laughlin look like Madonna. Thoughts?
One time in Aruba, someone said Mark 'Mc'Laughlin looked like Fred Savage. Maybe he does..and maybe he does.
You know it, I know it, we all know that Ray looks like Bernie
Lastly, some say I look like Liv Tyler. I sometimes don't believe them (I wish I did). You be the judge.
Here we go Steelers...Here we go ! ! !
Everyone loves to hate this song. But it makes me happy to hear this chant. Why? Because that means football has started. Its going to be a good game tonight. Hines, Troy, if you can hear me...step it up and show 'em your wears!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
There is no crying in baseball

A single tear flowed tonight, as we watched baseball. I am not a Marlin's fan. But I was happy for A. Sanchez. He pitched a no-hitter against the Diamondbacks tonight (2-0). It's the majors' first no-no since Randy Johnson's perfect game in 2004. It was funny watching Joe Girardi squirm around until the game was over. The team carried Sanchez off the field, as Sanchez, himself shed some tears.
NYC: Ernesto has nothing on us

This is what it looked like later in the night. Look at Marc Renkes, need I say more.

Census: Loudoun Tops Nation In Household Income

I love Leesburg! I want to shrink it down pint size and put it in my pocket for a rainy day.
The weather is here.. I wish you were beautiful
Jimmy Buffett in Virginia would not be complete without beer, Lovelady punch, jell-o shots, ice pools, friends, family, and a heat index of 115. Unlike last year, there were no major 'accidents'. 98% of us managed to see the entire show and sing 'werewolves of london' and 'southern cross'. It was a delightful show despite the extreme heat. Would you expect anything else from a Buffett show in VA?

I am completely miserable San Diego