It's Been So Long
I can't believe I haven't posted since the Superbowl. This is what has been going on since Marc and I left for Florida for the 'big game'.
For starters, as you know, the Steelers won the Superbowl. We were able to upgrade our tickets (for free) for club level seats on the Steeler's side. It was the best sporting event I have been to. What a great experience.
It was so nice to hang out with Aunt JoAnn and Ron for a few days!
Lets see, what else has been going on? Oh yeah, Marc and I are expecting our first child. The baby is due at the end of August. However, at our last ultrasound, not only did they tell us we are having a baby boy, they said I was two weeks ahead of the due date. Well, either the date is wrong or I am just having a big baby. Considering Marc and I are not small people, I could give birth to a toddler sized infant.
This news may very well be the reason I haven't written anything in such a long time. I am finally over the awful morning sickness, but I am still pretty tired.
All in all, we are doing really good.
Here are a few pictures of the happenings over the last few months.

You Look Great !!!
Love ya Bunches
April 12, 2009 6:57 PM
April 17, 2009 4:32 PM
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