I am a Champion! Lucky 13-E.
Aruba was awesome this year! I will be posting some new pictures and stories about the vacation. I just need some time to collect myself. I left the island kicking and screaming this year, I don't want to go back to work on Tuesday. I will say this though, "I am a Champion".
Marc and I were on the inaugural flight from New York's JFK to Aruba, on September 15. During the last 45 minutes of the flight, the VP of Communications announced they were going to give away a couple round trip tickets for the occasion. They had a bag full of numbers (representing the rows) and a bag full of letters (representing the seat). The first pick was 11C (not Marc and I) For the last draw, they picked the letter "E". That was where yours truly was sitting. I said to Marc, "What are the chances they pick our row". We had a 1 in 26 chance of winning. They decided to have a little kid pick out the row. Drum roll please..... he picked 13!!! That was me--yeah!! I won a round trip ticket anywhere JetBlue flies!
I know when you are married you share everything. But this win was a tiny little "get back" at Marc. We have flown about 50 times together. Each time, Marc gets to fly in the window seat and I get stuck next to the fat man/woman that takes up half my seat. This is something I am going to keep and not share. Its a small price to pay for my sacrifice, sitting in the middle seat all these years.
As is a longstanding tradition in the airline industry, the inaugural flight was honored with a celebratory water cannon salute. This was our plane coming into Aruba.

There was a ceremony when the plane landed and all the passengers were greeted like Kings and Queens. We walked off the plane and were greeted by JetBlue workes waving and clapping. Who knew it would be such a big deal? All I knew was, we landed on the wonderful island of Aruba and I was the Champion of winning a Round Trip ticket.
Next question, where do we go with the free ticket? Back to Aruba? Maybe Seattle? Maybe LA?
Kalamazoo, of course!
October 06, 2006 5:19 PM
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