Friday, July 25, 2008

Randy Pausch

Randy Pausch, died today of pancreatic cancer. My sister use to work with one of his children, which is how I first heard about him. He is known for his inspirational "Last Lecture". If you have not watched this, please take 10 minutes to watch,click here. This is a concentrated version of the original lecture, which you can find here.. Seriously, take 10 minutes to watch this, it very inspirational.

His story can be found here.

Happy Birthday, JSF!!

Now, just picture the two of us with birthday hats on or maybe we want to consider wearing top hats instead (I don't know--just a thought).

To good beautiful weather...and the air is just right for a birthday.

Enjoy the day, my friend.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Not Estelle Getty---she died. I guess I will always have my golden girl reruns. Seriously, I am not going to lie, I love the golden girls.

Monday, July 21, 2008

An Open Letter

Dear Cheddar, Swiss, Monterey Jack and Gouda please step aside, I found something cheesier. It goes by the name "The Dark Knight". 150 minutes.. really?? And since when does everyone call him "The Batman"? It was always "Batman" as far as I remember. Oh and Christian Bale, when you put on your black rubber mask and try to sound like Jack Palance, please try to stay consistent with the voice.

Monday, July 14, 2008

July Photo-Outing 2008

Saturday, our friend Jason, Marc and myself went out for a drive, so I can take some pictures. We only ventured about 15-20 minutes from our house, but came back with some good shots. I wanted to find some waterfalls and fun landscapes, but I ended up with train tracks, bridges and barns. I will have to go on a search for waterfalls another time. The highlight of the trip was the field of sunflowers that we stumbled upon. Here are a couple pictures from the day:

If you want to see all the pics, click here.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Blackstone, You Old Sailor-You

Blackstone let me dress him up this weekend. It was short-lived, but I did it.

Monday, July 07, 2008


Mammal starts her treatments today, please keep her in your thoughts/prayers.

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