Memorial Day Weekend: Recap
Our very good friend, RW, and his girlfriend (Kristina) came to visit this past weekend. Its been quite awhile since we've seen RW, it was great to hang out with them. Kristina is lovely, so glad we got a chance to meet her. We started the weekend with lunch at Fireworks for pizza and a Tuskie-like beer list (Tuskie's own the pizza place). After lunch, we toured our little town of Leesburg, then hung around our house for awhile and played Guitar Hero. Later that night, we headed to Bungs to meet a few friends. I can't get into details about the night. Let me just say that it ended with the 'first time ever' QUAD Tennessee Side Sipping photo.
Its a good thing I was the DD that night!
Saturday, we had some landscaping done (pictures to come later) in the AM, then drove up to Inner Harbor. What a wonderful day for some sight seeing.
We had some tapas and a pitcher of Sangria at La Tascas', then walked around Inner Harbor a bit. We decided to take a water taxi over to Fells Point to look around and grab a couple drinks.
Look at my new favorite water taxi guy
We passed this awesome tug boat on our way to Fells Point. I couldn't stop taking pictures of it.
We ended up having a late dinner at M&S Grill. We sat outside so we could listen to a zydeco band that was playing near the water. Right after we ordered our food, we noticed a handful of cops run into the restaurant. The four of us were thinking, 'what in the world is going on'. Next thing we know 6 cops drag a man outside and start holding his money up to the little kiosk's lights. It was pretty obvious he was getting busted for counterfeit money. We were all saying that it would be some what hard to bust him right there, considering he could have been passed the counterfeit money as change. Before we know it, Marc makes the announcement that the guy is fleeing the scene. This guy, who probably would have been let go, decided to run from 6 cops. I felt like we were watching one of those "stupid criminal blooper videos". Instead of running into the crowd (to try to lose the cops), he runs into the empty space, making it very easy for 6 cops to catch him. I believe the guy got about 15 feet away, before he was tackled to the ground. Seriously, this guy probably would have been let go, but now, he will spend some time behind bars. It served as a great piece of evening entertainment while we waited for our dinners.
Sunday, Marc and I had a BBQ. We invited a few friends over for some eats, drinks, music, cornhole and pool. We had another gorgeous day for being outside. Everyone seemed to have a good time and it was a wonderful way to end a great weekend with friends.
I took a ton of pictures over the weekend, check them out here.