As most of you know, the game didn't come out as planned. The Steelers lost. Even Santa could not help out the cause.

But I will say this. I never want to go into a football stadium as a 'regular' person again. Marc and I experienced the 'special' people's entrance this weekend and I never want to go back to the old way. It was a pure delight! No lines, no smelly people, no drunks, elevators, couches, snacks, clean bathrooms, and flat screen TVs.
The say started off with a tailgate. My cousin, Michael Paul, lost a bet and had to wear this falcons shirt. Something tells me, he didn't care.

Of course, here is a picture of Marc and I.

I never watched a game in a dome before. Its quite nice (no wind, rain, etc.). Its like watching it from inside your tv. I did miss the elements a bit. Here is a view from our seats.

While we were at our seats, we saw Andre 3000 (sitting behind us). It was cool, but it was much more entertaining to see Michael Paul harass Andre 3000. It was funny!

Lastly, Big Ben got hurt. I hope he is ok. He is certainly not off to a good start. I am a little nervous. He didn't move for about 5 minutes after he got hit. Here is a picture of them finally getting him off the field.