Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pure Awesome-ness

Wow, its really the little things these days that make me laugh. A friend of mine from softball, posted this story on facebook. I thought it was funny enough to put on my blog.

Man tries to pay bill with spider drawing (read email chain), click here.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Can't Handle This--

Anything involving baby tiger cubs makes me totally insane. Actually, anything involving baby animals makes me insane. Two things I am pretty sure I need to add to my bucket list:
1.) Swim with dolphins
2.) Spend the day playing with a tiger cubs (alone). I don't want to be at a zoo and have to battle 100 kids to play with a tiger cub. Even if the 100 kids are the cutest things I have ever seen. I want to play with the baby tiger cubs too.

Cool Person- Alert!!

Tracy Bowers, do you know her?

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Steelers vs Redskins

I know there are Steeler fans everywhere and a lot live in the DC Area That being said, it was awesome to be a Steeler fan during Monday night football. Steeler fans made enough noise to force the Redskins into a silent count. The noise was enough for even the Redskin's players to comment.

This was the second away game (the other in Atlanta) that I have experienced a massive turnout of Steeler fans. Job well done!!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Back From Vacation...Back To Reality

We left the 90 degree weather in Aruba and was welcomed by 50 degree weather in Virginia. Not such a great way to be welcomed home. I am fairly confident that I can speak for the group by saying fun was had by all. Hurricane Omar stirred up the water a bit and brought a little bit of rare rain to Aruba, but it wasn't enough to keep us in doors and it was only for a couple days. We are already planning another trip. Is February too soon to go back?

Here are a couple pictures from the trip:

I didn't take a lot of scenic pictures during this trip. Maybe its because I have taken so many during past trips. However, I did capture a lot of our bar outings. If you want to see more pictures, click here. I have to warn you, however, there are over 500 pictures. If you want to see more scenic pictures of aruba, check out my Picasa site for previous trips.

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