Coming Down To The Wire
I can't believe I haven't blogged in 7 years. Its not that I don't have the time, I think facebook just took over. Most of you know that Marc and I are expecting our first child at the end of this month (Aug 28th). That is the official due date, mentally, however, I think its more of a range. So, I have been saying "toward the end of August". My prediction of Aug 18-22 has come and gone. However, Marc has been thinking Aug 27th for many months now. I guess we have no control over it, the baby will come when he is ready.
I have been trying to document the pregnancy through photos, but only really started at 29 weeks. I got big so early on, I guess it wouldn't have mattered if I started at 15 weeks or 30. Can I even tell you how many people months ago asked, "Any day now? Are you having twins". The answer is NO! Marc and I are not small people, its not a surprise we are having a big kid.
Anyway, if you are not on facebook, here are a couple photos to see what is going on with Marc and I.