Thursday, June 05, 2008

My Husband: The Adventurist

For the first time in a very long time, our area was under a tornado warning (not a watch). I know the difference because my lovely husband views himself as an amateur storm chaser/meteorologist. Yesterday, Marc left work to chase after the storm, using our friend, BVibe, as command central. He definitely got himself into the thick of things. He normally laughs at people when they pull off the side of the road when it rains, but he was one of 'those' people yesterday. He said the winds got so strong and the rain made for zero visibility, that he needed to take cover.

Here is what he had to say about the storm when he returned to work:

Just got back to the office. Wow, what a rush! I was on the toll road near Dulles and I saw the leading edge of the storm. Green sky backdrop with a line of dark clouds. Next thing you know, 50-60 mph winds and heavy rain start hitting the car. Cars stopped on the toll road. I pulled over and took cover in Ashburn. Very heavy lightning and strong winds. No hail or circulation though. After reading the last tornado warning statement saying that Doppler indicated rotation 8 miles west of Arcola, I was near there at the time.

When he got back to the office, he noticed that everyone was huddled in an underground parking lot.

As we were pulling into our garage (after dinner), our neighbor told us to come check out a couple snakes he had in his backyard. So, I grabbed my camera and we went over. One snake was on the side of the house and the other was curled up underneath the deck. The one under the deck was much larger than the one on the side of the house. Marc asked for a ladder and climbed up to get a better look. What?!? He hates snakes (so do I). He then tells everyone that we should get a broom and try to get him down. What?!? This would mean that the snake would be slithering around our feet. Next thing you know, he is over by the snake near the side of the house and started messing around with him. What ?!? Again, he hates snakes, now he is touching one. I don't know a lot about snakes, but I believe this is the 'strike' position. We left soon after this picture.

Wow, tornadoes and snakes all in one day. Watch out Bear Grylls, there is a new man in town.

If you want to see pictures of the snakes, here they are.


Blogger Unknown said...

To those pictures of that snake, I say "No thank you". Ew.

June 05, 2008 2:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been with you in the car, what a rush... and the snake, they never did bother me. "The Mammal"

June 06, 2008 11:39 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the snake pictues! And it is so rare to see two at once. I'm pretty sure this is the black racer. It is the only solid black snake with a whitish belly in VA. (I think!) Nancy Nature in Mich.

July 01, 2008 10:48 PM


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