Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Sick Sick Sick

I think its absolutely horrible what happened at Virginia Tech, there are sick people out there. With all of the media focused on 'violence in schools', Marc did some research. He found another horrible event that took place in Bath Michigan (1927). Andrew Kehoe killed his wife, then detonated a bomb that killed 45 people (38 children, 7 teachers) injuring 61. After the bombs detonated, he blew himself up. Its disgusting! Its a shame there is so much evil in our world.

Its sick.

After reading about Andrew Kehoe, Marc and I are surprised there hasn't been a movie made about it. The "Zodiac" was made and remade and remade.


Blogger JoAnn said...

Amy...I total understand what you are saying..I teach in a Self-contained class room 6th through 8th. They are all EMH (Emotional and Mentaly Handicaped)And I see it in there eyes every day I try to reach them but deep down in my heart I know I can't. But will never give up trying.

April 18, 2007 6:27 AM


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