Monday, February 11, 2008

I Am One Of 'Those' People...

Did you ever walk into a Best Buy to get, I don't know, an iPod accessory or a DVD and walk past 'those' people playing video games. I always wonder what in the world would possess someone to sit in a big plush black leather chair and play video games in a store all day.

Well, Marc and I go into best buy this weekend to pick up a couple Guitar Hero accesories. We notice they have "Rock Band" set up at a gaming station, along side of "Guitar Hero". Marc decides he wants to try the drums out. He begins to hit buttons to try to get it to work. Its taking forever, so I decide, what the hell, I am going to play Guitar Hero. So, I pick up the axe, set the game to 'easy' and start rocking out to Barracuda by Heart. I haven't moved to 'medium' yet, it freaks me out. Nonetheless, I start crushing the song--whammy bar, star power and all. I wasn't worried how ridiculious I looked playing the game, I just went with the flow. I now have an audience behind me watching, this makes me get into the song even more. I finish with an 98%. I decide I was going to end on a good note and step away from the game. At this point, Marc gets the game working and starts playing the drums. He did pretty well, considering it was his first time at Rock Band. We did come to the conclussion that you need to have the sound up high on Rock Band, otherwise, the drums are kind of annoying.

We wonder around Best Buy for awhile and head toward the check out. We pass the Guitar hearo gaming station on the way and find a 15-16 year old jamming out on EXPERT to Cliffs of Dover (or something like that). If you play Guitar Hero, you know that Expert is crazy. This kid was even using the whammy bar. I had NO time for him. Marc assured me that this kid must sit around and play the game for 12 hours a day and that my performance was still good.

I will no longer say (under my breathe) that the people playing games in Best Buy are freak-shows. I will simple say "Rock on Witcha Bad Self" and tip my hat, as I am now one of 'those' people.

PS BVibe, I now have a wireless axe AND wireless Pedal (whammy bar and star power). We all need to have a jam session when you return to the country.


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