Well look at you -- Mint!

I am fairly new to gardening. Its been a trial and error process, but that's ok. For the last couple years, I have planted some herbs (not that kind--get your mind out of the gutter) along the side of our house. I never know what is going to happen, but every year I am pleasantly surprised. I still don't know if all herbs are perennials or die in the winter (officially). However, my thyme, sweet woodruff, and mint are out of control. Last year, I planted a little sprout of mint (you know the little container you can get at home depot) so I could put it in my iced tea. I never put it in my tea last year (just forgot) and it really didn't grow that much. This spring, it is literally all over my garden. I didn't expect it to be so aggressive. I had to dig it out and put it in pots. If you would like some mint, let me know and I can give you some.
Side Note: One of my childhood memories is drinking homemade mint iced tea at my grandma(aka--granola) and pappy's house. I never made mint iced tea, until today. I FINALLY made it and it brings me back to the days with my pappy and granola. I love mint iced tea! Now only if I could find the mint ginger ale.
Back to the garden. If you want a hearty ground cover plant(s), go with mint, thyme or sweet woodruff. I have to work on my lavender and sage, they are not growing so good.
Next, you need to plant basil and tomatoes... perfect combo for summer. Yum!
May 02, 2007 8:47 AM
one of the best memories i have from my childhood is my dad drinking mint iced tea after work in the summertime :)
May 02, 2007 1:07 PM
The only place you can get the mint ginger ale (Tom Tucker) is in the burgh. Just had some on Easter. Jimmy tried it for the first time and didn't like it!
May 03, 2007 8:52 AM
Only in the Burgh? I thought so, I can't find it anywhere else. I will have to try to stock up next time I am there. OH--mint ginger ale. Something must be wrong with Jimmy's taste buds--ha ha ha
May 03, 2007 12:30 PM
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