This Past Weekend...(warning--long post)
Marc and I went to Pittsburgh this weekend to finally meet Jacob, our new nephew. He is an adorable miniature bundle of joy. I like the fact that he sleeps nonstop (not sure how long that will last). Michelle dropped the two babies off at my mom's house Friday night, while her and Carl went out for her birthday dinner. It took 4 of us to tackle the babysitting efforts. We could have managed with just two of us, but we all chipped in to help. I still have no idea how Michelle takes care of the two babies on her own during the day.
The "Scoop" on the Boys:
Dennin is looking more and more like Michelle. He is getting so big and is absolutely awesome with the babies, especially Patrick. If you could see how excited Patrick gets around Dennin, it would melt your heart. Dennin is going through his "teen-age" years, I am sure he is a little hard to handle at times. Hopefully, Michelle will remember how we were at that age and know its just a phase. The babies get all the attention, they get new things, get all the "eewws and aahhs". Dennin is dealing with the change and is a great big brother.
Patrick is a ball of energy. He is running around crazy, getting into everything, and really starting to become a little man. He wants to start talking, he is just not there yet.
Jacob is a tiny little minature who sleeps all the time. Not a lot to report on him (yet). I will say this, when you hold Jacob it is like holding a corn cob or perhaps a can of pop (he is that little).

These are some pictures I put together for Michelle (of Jacob).
Saturday was spent at the Mall and visiting with family. My Aunt Karen came over to see the boys and join us for Michelle's traditional B-day dinner (Homemade Mac-n-Cheese). Later that night, we headed to the Harp and Fiddle to see Seamus Kennedy. Ray, Mammal, Marc and I met the Elvis' at the bar for a fun filled evening with Seamus. I didn't make reservations (which I should have) which meant no table pounding and hand clapping. But fun was had, nonetheless. I never realized how crowded that place gets when Seamus is there. We had a blast--Elvis, thanks for the drinks. We owe you a few!

FYI, there is a score card for "fun times" (this year) and that card reads:
Elvis 1 Seinfeld 0
We left Sunday morning. We ran into a small snow storm on the way home. OK, it wasn't small and it wasn't a snow storm, it was a blizzard!!!
This is what Marc looked like driving..
OK, so I staged his hands. He was driving with one hand (cool, calm and collected). That is how he 'rolls", I guess.
Not sure if we will head to Pittsburgh again until April, when its done snowing!!!
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