OH (my) CANADA!!
x-lackadaisical jumped on a puddle jumper up to Toronto.ON.CA on Monday for a week long client site visit. The 92 degree departure weather @ Dulles didn't stop an obv Canadian passenger from sporting a winter coat and scarf! Anyhooo, on the way to the gate, Mr. TSA man asked if he could test my contact solution for flammable liquids. After he painstakingly opened the SEALED brand new container, he said it was good to go. This was after he poured out about $3.25 of the $9.00 solution.
After I arrived in gloomy and cool (16 degrees Celsius..and don't even think about asking for the Fahrenheit equivalent) Toronto, I discovered that I had been spelling and pronouncing words incorrectly for 34 years. Here are a few examples:
After I arrived in gloomy and cool (16 degrees Celsius..and don't even think about asking for the Fahrenheit equivalent) Toronto, I discovered that I had been spelling and pronouncing words incorrectly for 34 years. Here are a few examples:
checking - chequing
center - centre
process (pronounced 'prOcess') , not 'prAHces'
pasta (pronounced 'pAsta'), not 'pAHsta'
In addition, I found out that every college is a 'University' and every vacation is a 'Holiday'
I wont get into the political differences too much, but lets just say us Americans are all gun carrying outlaws that love George Bush and war.
'eh is still alive and well. Bob and Doug would be proud.
Finally, check out....(sorry Cheque Out) the following US corporate logos I have seen up here that have just enough of a subtle Canadian touch to be a little different, but yet retain that very recognizable and marketable logo we have all come to know over the years.
Finally, check out....(sorry Cheque Out) the following US corporate logos I have seen up here that have just enough of a subtle Canadian touch to be a little different, but yet retain that very recognizable and marketable logo we have all come to know over the years.

OK, so you got me on the 'Canadian Idol' logo as the US stole that from the UK, but you get the picture.
"ET Canada" is on, gotta run......
Hurry up and come home ;-(
August 21, 2007 10:42 PM
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