What do you do on a cold November weekend?

...Go to the bar. This weekend was not what was expected. I planned on doing things around the house and start shopping for Thanksgiving. Instead, we spent most of the weekend at the Bar. Vicki and I were at Bungalows from 12:00 - 7:30. Yeah, I am not going to lie, it was obnoxious! It started out as a lunch to talk about our Thanksgiving menu and it turned into a show. Marc met up with us around 3:00. We left around 7:30 and met Iz (aka Stevie Wonder--j/k) and company for dinner.
Sunday, Vicki and I went to church. What did we do next? We (Marc, Iz, Vic and myself) all went to the bar. We watched a Steeler victory over Cleveland. It's a shame that we got so excited about a win over Cleveland, but we'll take it.
I hope to NOT see a bar for the next 5 -7 days.
I thank you for your support.
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