Catching Up With Family
Marc and I went to Pittsburgh a couple weekends ago to attend a funeral. Unfortunately, this was a rather unusual and traumatic occasion. The only good thing to come out of the couple days was spending time with family that we seldom see. Most families save drinking for weddings, not funerals. But considering how the weekend was, this family needed a drink. I do not turn to alcohol to get me through any situation, but I made an exception this time. It was really nice catching up with my cousin and aunt, unfortunately, it was over a funeral.

Note: Seriously, if Marc and I have kids, they will be enormous. I am a head taller than almost everyone on both sides of my family.

Teach your children well
November 06, 2007 6:43 AM
Amy who died? And I'm sorry to hear..
November 12, 2007 9:51 PM
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