Monday, October 01, 2007

Long Overdue

I forgot to post about an 'episode' that happened a couple weekends ago. Marc and I had a few people over a couple weekends ago to watch college football. This little fiesta lasted until maybe 6-7. The group decided to leave our house and venture to another house, in Hamilton. Before I continue, let it be known the age of the group (on average) is 33. I don't know how it happened, but a 'shotgun' challenge was thrown in Marc's direction. If you do not know, a beer shotgun (thanks to wikipedia) is:

One punches a small hole in the side of the can with a sharp object, such as a knife, key, pen, bottle opener, or a can's pop-tab, usually near the bottom while the can is upside down. By tilting the can carefully, the puncture will go through the air-pocket in the can, keeping the drink from flying out. Lacking this, teeth can be used by the experienced shotgunner. The drinker then places this hole to their lips, tilts the can right-side-up, and pulls the tab in the usual manner. The combined effects of gravity and the pressure change that follow when the tab is pulled cause the beverage to be forced out of the can, and into the drinker's mouth, very rapidly. Unless one is skilled in the technique it is easy to become soaked as the drink rushes out of the can. Depending on the beverage and the way the technique is performed, a beverage of twelve US fluid ounces can be consumed in well under 10 seconds. Accomplished shotgunners can consume this amount in as little as two or three seconds.

The challenge was brought out by GR. GR is (from what I hear) a seasoned shotgunning champion. Money was actually placed on this competition. If you can even believe it, people were betting against Marc. The shotgun does not happen often, thank god. Few people know the talent (if that is what you want to call it) that Marc possesses (his parents have to be proud). The group now ventures outside to the backyard, in case of spillage. Come on folks, these guys are no longer in their 20s, their form may have gone down hill.

A professional shotgunner knows its all about the 'hole' that is made in the can. Time needs to be invested to make this hole perfect. So, 10 minutes later, the holes are made and the competition takes place. Marc wins hands down. Now, I have to tell you, I didn't doubt Marc would win, but its been awhile since he shotgun a beer. I thought his time may not be as good as it was. I was wrong, he was in rare form. It took Marc about 3 seconds to finish the beer.

Side note: If I was not playing the designated driver, I would have jumped into the competition. I usually come in a close second to Marc and not many people beat me in the shotgun. Well, maybe one man, I will call "McLaughlin".

Anyway, back to my story.

A few more shot guns took place between GR and Marc. One guy that was there made the comment that he has NEVER attempted a shotgun. The other guy said it has been quite a long time since he had done one. The perfect solution was to have these two guys jump into a competition on their own. So, DC and JT are now in position to start. They pop the tabs and start. Ha ha ha, I am laughing just remembering this. DC, the one that never did one before had a look on his face, a look of success, like 'this' isn't hard at all. Little did he know that he forgot to tilt the can. Beer was spewing out the top of the can all over his left shoulder. It looked like an open fire hydrant on a hot day. DC consumed maybe 5 tablespoons of beer, when all was said and down. Of course, the group was laughing and making fun of him. This banter lasted, I don't know, maybe 45 seconds or so. Next thing we hear the sounds of a can crashing on the patio. It was JT, it took him close to a minute to finish his beer. We actually forgot about him, because we were laughing so hard at DC. I wish the whole thing was caught on tape. It was just so funny. Needless to say, all four men were soaked in beer and they put on quite a show. Its fun to revert back to your college days every once in awhile. Although, I am sure they were all paying for it the next day.

Shotguns + 30 somethings = bad news bears the next day.


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